Our Approach

But we can help you any or all of the following:
- Story of Change development
- Team training or critical friend support
- Participation, engagement and networking support
- Sector, population or place focused consultation and research
- Learning resources or toolkit development
- Social Return on Investment
- Change management and organisational development
Our innovative approach combines creative facilitation, coaching, mentoring and training with fun, interactive tools and mixed media.
We usually start with a Story of Change, a logical plan, or review of the difference you want to make and how – the WHO?, HOW?, WHAT? and WHY?
Here is our own JEM Associates Story of Change:
We have developed our own training package and website to support our clients through this work. Visit https://culturecubed.org to find out more.
Here’s what some of our brilliant clients have to say about us….

We’ve been through a transformational journey with MB Associates who have been supporting us since 2018 and we continue to learn and improve with them by our side. Starting with a Story of Change that now underpins our vision, values and strategy, and now embedding a more meaningful evaluation framework, we have a better understanding of the difference we make for our children, the sector and our organisation. Not only was this the right thing to do with the right people, it also enabled us to present the strongest possible case in our successful application to become an Arts Council of England National Portfolio Organisation in 2022.”
Sophie Lewis
Chief Executive, National Children’s Orchestra

I worked with MBA to conduct a state-of-the-art social return on investment for a cultural mega project. They are a professional, caring, and talented team of consultants, who work hard to develop and refine innovative techniques for measuring social value. I deeply appreciate the way in which this team works to push the boundaries on what is possible for social value measures, especially on how lived experience can be captured and represented, and further on the rigour and transparency they bring to the process.
Haley Allison Beer, Ph.D.
Social Impact Evaluation Lead, Coventry City of Culture

Hilary Jennings
The Happy Museum

We have worked with the team from MB Associates for the last two years. MBA have supported our business to embed SROI into a series of social impact investments which has allowed us to measure, manage and ultimately understand the impact of our investments. MB Associates have taken our business on a journey of learning which has allowed us to begin to embed the methodology of SROI into our business. It has been a genuine pleasure to work with the team at MB Associates.
Luke Richardson
Social Impact Manager, Wood plc

The demands and sheer scale of the development of Eureka! Science + Discovery meant I needed someone on the Interpretation team with extensive experience and success with creating, leading and delivering a range of diverse projects. Jael was the perfect choice and I could trust her to take on the management of our ambitious and unique co-creation project which we wanted to do with children, young people and STEAM Stakeholders in the Liverpool City Region. Her summary reports after co-creation sessions were vital as part of the process of the development of experiences and exhibitions.
Liz Peniston
Content and Experience Director, Eureka!